Special Event Request Form
The Sugar House Park Authority approves the activities that take place in the park and may require applicants to attend one of their monthly board meetings in order to obtain approval for their request. To obtain your permit, you will also work with the Salt Lake County Parks & Recreation Department, as the contracted operator of the park.
It is a violation of Salt Lake County ordinance Section 14.56.040 to hold a special event without first obtaining a permit.
Permit Process
Before submitting a permit for a special event, familiarize yourself with the Park Rules.
Special Event Rules
No vending: If your event has food it must be prepaid for and available to your guests with the show of a band, ticket or other method.
No motorized vehicles of any kind on the grass.
No Staking: Prevent damaging the park's irrigation system (and being fined). Use sandbags, not stakes.
3 Hour Limit: Bounce house can only on the grass for a max of three hours or set up on the pavement.
Parking is always prohibited along the inside curb (even if you have reserved the road).
Park always remains open to visitors. You may not ask park patrons to leave the park.

Step 01
Fill in and Email the Completed Form
Complete the Special Event Request Form and attach in an email to parks@saltlakecounty.gov

Step 02
Get Park Board Approval
Attend a Sugar House Park Authority board meeting to obtain approval for your request. The board meets 10 times a year on the second Thursday of each month (except July and December).
A representative from your group must be present to answer questions from the board.
Review the special event rules below.

Step 03
Pay Fees and Submit Certificates
In the event that the board approves your event, a representative from Salt Lake County Parks & Recreation will confirm your request and outline the necessary fess and certificates required.

Step 04
Receive Your Permit
Once the County has received your fees and certificates, they will issue you a use permit.
It is a violation of Salt Lake County ordinance Section 14.56.040 to hold a special event without first obtaining a permit.
Complete the Special Event Request Form and email to parks@saltlakecounty.gov